As teachers, we could use all the classroom management tricks we can get! Here’s one that both you and your students will love! Keep reading to find out more and get your FREE download!

Brownie Points Whole Class Rewards
The Brownie Points system works for whole class rewards. I love this system because it’s adorable, punny, EASY, quick, and doesn’t take up much space in my room.
How to Use the Brownie Points Reward Chart
I use my Brownie Points chart to keep track when my students receive a compliment from staff, or otherwise awesome behavior.
You could use yours the same way, or choose to reward every day everyone has their homework completed, when the class increases their reading stamina, when they act appropriately in the hallway, etc. The possibilities are endless and it’s totally up to you!
My class also knows that they can lose a brownie point for awful behavior. Some teachers will disagree with me there, so the choice is up to you.
The key is to use it to represent the whole class, and not be affected by one or two students’ behavior.

Reward Time!
I know some teachers have their students earn more than 24 positive checks before rewarding, but I think that quick payoff really helps when you’re dealing with elementary.
Besides, I like brownies too! And a box of brownies is pretty cheap and quick to make.
So when we reach 24 brownie points, I bake a pan of brownies for the class! If you cannot bring in sweets, you could reward them instead with extra recess, a movie, no homework, or a healthy treat.

Prepping the Reward Chart
This reward chart is sooooo easy to create and use. I tried doing something bigger last year and never finished it. So I’m really excited to use my brownie points this year! It will be so easy to just pull out a small card and attach it as often as they can earn their points.

Just print the file, laminate, and cut out your brownie points. Yes, you can laminate before you cut!!!! I used to cut, laminate, and cut again until I saw another teacher skipping the first cut. I thought it would make the edges tear but I’ve been doing it this way for years now and no issues!
Then grab a 9×13 cookie sheet to use for your brownie pan. You can usually get these for $1-2 at Walmart or the Dollar Tree. Remember, it doesn’t have to be non-stick 😉
You can use magnets or velcro, but I didn’t have any good magnets on hand and didn’t want to see the velcro where unearned brownies would go. So I am using sticky tack.
And that’s all there is to it! So fast, cheap, and EASY!
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