As teachers, we all know that reading is important! The more preschool students are read to, the better they will develop necessary literacy skills. Here’s a fun and cute reading log printable to help encourage parents and preschoolers to read at home, too!
Make Better Readers with this FREE Simple Printable
Reading at Home
I’m sure you read to your class every day. But are your students read to at home?
Kids who read with their parents ! But we all know kids whose parents aren’t spending enough quality time with them or investing with their academic future.
Even I’m guilty of not spending enough time with my kids or working on their skills everyday! We all could do a better job, and to be honest, sometimes life just happens!

Here’s a great article written for parents that explains how and why it’s important to read to their child.
Try printing off the article and send it home the first time you use the reading log. This will help parents understand just how important it is to read at home. There’s also a sample letter included in my Reading Log Printables Pack on Teachers Pay Teachers.
You can read more about vocabulary development in preschoolers in this post. Or find out how to have fun with story elements here!
Reading Log Printables
These simple printables will help just a bit to encourage and remind parents how important it is to read with their child everyday.
Encourage families to hang these reading logs on the fridge as a visual reminder to read every day. The students will be eager to read their book so they can color in one more block of their picture!
Do you want all 30 Reading Log Printables and a Letter to Parents? You can get this download from my Teachers Pay Teachers store HERE (it includes the freebie, too). Or keep scrolling to get just the FREE sample reading log!

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