Does your program participate in CACFP? If not, you should look into it! You might be able to get reimbursed for the meals you serve at your preschool or daycare. Even if you don’t participate, here’s a freebie that will help you remember how much is a proper serving size for different ages.
Daycare Meals Cheat Sheet
I recently attended my annual CACFP training. A few changes are coming this year. I think regulations are the same across the US, but your should double check your state to be sure.
Anyway, these posters reflect the newest info I have from the food program. I made these for myself, to have something pretty for my fridge to help me out with serving sizes. You’d think after so many years I’d just know the serving sizes by heart, but this is the first time I’ve had such an age span and such a case of mommy daycare provider brain.
I included each age group up to 12 years. Each poster has cute pictures, because who wants all the boring text and format? Not me! This fits with my daycare decor much better
I printed these out and have them hanging on the door of my fridge. They’re super handy! Making my meals is one of my most stressful times of the day, because I’m supervising while also trying to cook. So this little cheat sheet just gives me one less thing to pay attention to and remember.
Scroll down to download a copy!
Another great cheat I have is this plates! They’re super durable. They’ve been put in the microwave and dishwasher countless times, and I know they’ve been dropped so many times too. But they’re still holding up! They’re made of pretty thick plastic and have held up extremely well.
I also love that they stack so nicely in my cupboard. Kids plates always seem to get distorted or have different dividers than others. These keep my cupboard at least somewhat tidier. I also use the bowls and silverware and recommend them all!
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