Since I create a lot of my own resources, I really need a reliable way to print them! My husband also works from home, and our printer doubles as my copy maker. So we go through a lot of ink. Thankfully, I discovered HP Instant Ink a few years ago and it has been a lifesaver!
How It Works
The Old Way to Print
I always just printed at home, and ordered ink from Amazon when my printer was running low.
Once I actually added it up. From February to September 2016, I spent $170 on replacement ink for my printer. That averages out to $24.29/month for ink!
Office Supply Stores
You can also have your printables printed at office supply stores. This usually runs about $.15/page for black and white pages and closer to $.60/page for color copies.
The New Way to Print
So I started looking for a cheaper alternative for printing. Here’s what I found: HP Instant Ink.
Basically, you buy a printer that is enabled for the HP Instant Ink program. (if you’ve bought an HP printer in the last few years, it’s probably already enabled).
Then you just give the printer your WiFi password. And the printer magically sends you ink when it runs low! For WAY less than the normal cost of ink!
AND I can print all I want in COLOR!!!
Since you pay for this program by the sheet, it doesn’t actually matter how much ink is actually on each page. I printed chalkboard labels for EVERYTHING in our homeschool room, and it didn’t cost me anything more than printing a worksheet.

Printing Plan Options
The great part is that if you use up all your pages, they just add on another 20 pages for another $1. They also roll over your pages if you don’t use them all the month before. That’s pretty awesome!
And if you refer a friend, you both get a month of printing FREE!
You can get 1 month of FREE printing too by using my referral link HERE.
What Printer to Use
Not every HP printer is set up for Instant Ink. I ordered a new one for this purpose, but as you can see, it has paid for itself! Here is the printer I have now.
I love it! Every month, I use it to scan in my invoices that I need to send to my county. I can make quick copies with it too. And I can print from my iPhone! So if I forget to print a sign in sheet for the new week, I can send it over real quick from my phone when my first kid gets here for the day. Perfect!
Plus, it was super easy to install. I had no trouble installing it on my MacBook or my husband’s PC and it didn’t require a disk or any downloads. I totally recommend it!
It’s also an energy saver, wireless, and prints on both sides of the paper without having to figure out how to reload it the right way! I can’t say enough good things about this printer. No issues so far! It comes with a 1 year warranty too.
I bought mine from Amazon. You can get it HERE!
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