Professional Development?
I am a perfectionist and am constantly trying to do just a little better at everything. Though I’ve had to learn to tune this down a bit and let some things go, I think that trying to improve at your job is always a good thing! Research on child development is always bringing new things to light. Also, I find as my own kids grow, I keep running into new obstacles to learn about. Since I was always a good student, I just can’t seem to let go of that study mentality. I am always trying to learn something new! Likewise, I encourage you to keep searching for knowledge, because you never know what will stick with you and help you improve your program and relationships.
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Professional Development Books
As I mentioned, I am constantly reading books and articles that I think I can learn from and apply to my life. I will keep updating this post with any awesome books I come across, so check back occasionally to see what’s new!
All of these books I have read personally and own. P.S. I love to read on my Kindle Paperwhite! Love love love it! My old house is very dark in the evening and I can still lay in the living room and read. I can also take it outside and there’s never a glare. It’s lighter and easier to hold than a book, and I have all of my books with me. I absolutely love my Kindle!
Montessori Books
Dr. Montessori is known for her informal teaching methods through play. Montessori is a pretty common phrase among the Pinterest world and early educators. Her learning theory is based on children teaching themselves through exploring, and the teacher’s job is to set up invitations to play and interact with the student to encourage deeper learning. I think Montessori is a great way to approach learning in a daycare setting. Here’s some of the books I’ve read on the topic and recommend:
Discipline Books
“Discipline” seems to have a negative connotation to it. However, the reality is that children do need some kind of boundaries and consequences to keep them safe and help them feel secure. This doesn’t mean they need ridiculous punishment, though. Personally, I think the most ineffective part of today’s discipline methods is the lack of assertiveness. Parents don’t explain clearly what they expect of the child, or they give in when they receive a negative response from their child. Since I’ve read a lot about the subject (and asked a few counselors – I have a strong willed child!), I feel qualified to tell you that limits are needed! Here’s the books I enjoyed on the subject:
Infants are a whole different challenge. Especially since in the daycare setting you usually have multiple kids, having a happy baby can make a huge difference in the quality of your day. I have found all of these books very helpful to get infants on a schedule and soothe them when they need comforted. I also remember reading that most mothers with a large number of children (like the Duggars) claim that an infant schedule is what keeps them sane.
Productivity and efficiency is kind of one of my passions. Weird, I know.
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